
I have hit a blog milestone: 100 likes. Thank you. To all of you who read, like and/or comment.

This started as a way for me to express my frustrations and I honestly never thought anyone would bother to read it. So a big hug to each of you.

I am still having a bad fibro flare which is making me exhausted. ย Sleep take a while to come but it does and for a decent amount of time as well. Most nights, at least. Got any natual pain relief remedies?

Take care of you.

5 thoughts on “Milestone!

  1. I use an acupressure pillow which helps neck and head pain. And the usual heat packs. Also a gel called polar frost which doesn’t do a lot but it’s really soothing on my legs.
    Take it easy ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. I bought one of these. I tried a friends one out first. I bought a mat too but I hardly use it. The only thing I really like the mat for is standing on. Haha. It’s spikey but somehow a really nice feeling on my sore feet.
        Ah our summers in Scotland aren’t that hot.
        I’m guessing you don’t fall for all the “miracle cures” either.
        I’ve yet to find something that really helps with muscle spasms, especially in my legs. X

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah thank you! I’ll look into it.
    Haha! I can imagine. It’s gets to about 27/28*C plus humidity here in NZ. So hot. Inescapable heat.
    No. I am skeptical by nature. Though I have tried some ‘fads’, no luck of course.
    Ah maybe I can help there. Well for recovery. I use 2XU compression leggings ( They are comfortable and help with easing the muscle aches and increasing blood flow. My physio put me on to them. Might be something for you to look at? Take care of you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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